About Me


Hi…I’m Andi, I’m the author of this blog. I came from South Sulawesi, I purely a Bugisnese, you may have heard about Lagaligo.. it is the longest script in the world written in Bugis languange. I took my highschool at Pondok Pesantren Putri Ummul Mukminin, Ujung Pandang, it is a very nice place, I love the trees, I love the air.. it smells so good… we heard adzan every prayer time, we learn Arabic, we learn to speak them too, we had a night study time, we had mufradat ba’da shubuh, we had to be very discipline; in behaving, talking, school timing, come to the mosque must not be late, eat with the right hand, and many more…. I love that discipline. Besides, there are so many fun and funny things happened in ma’had, they are unforgettable :)

Graduate from highschool, I continue my study on French Literature at Hasanuddin University, well I love language especially Arabic and French. After one year, I continue my study in Physics ITB. In two years of working, I got a scholarship for master degree in Geophysical Engineering, by now I have it accomplished Alhamdulillah. Talking about working, it is quite different with schooling. There are more various people in working, various types of attitude, principal, mindset, etc. We need to be wise to see them each. Well wise itself is a learning-by-time term I think. I mean, we do not become wise in one night, but over nights, I think. Everybody has their own character, no body’s perfect, indeed. Well, amongst all, I respect people with integrity, they are people with high ethical standard. People of integrity do not compromise their principles, their values, their dignity. For me, they truly beautiful, admiring, very strong inside. Still, they may very warm in heart.

Talking about personal thing, I would like to say I love coffee, and water too. I love funny and inspiring movie, while funny movie could relax our mind, movie with values works the same for me. Well, my favorite one is Children of Heaven, it is an Iranian movie, a very heartwarming and beautiful movie. I love Masha and The Bear too, it is a very hillarious movie :). I love reading too; humor, history, nice blog, etc. And about life, as a good moslem, we have Quran&Hadits to be used as reference. Ok, that’s all I think. Welcome to my blog and have a nice reading :).

Kindly regards,

~the Author~

10 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Bismillah,
    ichaa..seperti yg saya duga, wanita yg cerdas dan berprinsip, tipikal wanita2 sukses…disamping itu yang utama adl sholehah..
    Semoga dapat imam yg sholeh dan cerdas, sungguh beruntung lelaki itu…
    “ittaqillah khaetsuma kunta”, hidup cuman sekali, jgn sampai kita terlena dgn kehidupan dunia yg fana ini, beramalah dan genggam islam dan sunnah dikepalan tanganmu kencang2, jgn terbawa yg lain..

    • @ Aris: Wa’alaykum salam…

      Amiiin… semoga dugaan pak aris benar..
      Amin juga ya do’any. Apakah dia akan beruntung? I don’t know. Mending aku aj deh yg beruntung, hehe…

  2. Oh ya icha..maaf atas coment2 kmrn di ym, itu hanya tutur kata beberapa temen, tapi sy yakin ko cha itu tdk berlaku lg pd diri icha, karena sebaik2 wanita adalah yg paling murah maharnya…sampai jumpa di jakarta, selamat menikmati hiruk pikuk ibu kota..
    jgn lp cepat mencari jodoh agar hati tentram dan sempurna agamamu..

    • Iya itu cm guyonan teman2 … berbicara ttg mahar mmg ada hadits ttg itu,, baik ttg hadits khadijah maupun istri rasul yg lain.. saya kira itu tergantung pada kesepakatan keduanya saja, terkadang ada pengaruh budaya setempat juga… dan sebaiknya dipermudah.

      Ok, sukses terus ya Pertamina di Sumatra ….

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